Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3, 2010

The older brother that tried and gave us paitience  for the future

The broken-hearted that only our God can heal
The one that loves her siblings with fervor

The one who waited so long now can sign "Mom"

Lord please,  "Give us rest and peace to do your will"
Fall is in the air.  School is back in session and the learning has begun again.  How do we explain the differences in our choices to the so innocent looking choices of others?  Mom,"Everyone in  school has a cell phone, but I don't?"  This  is just ,but the tip of the ice berg of problems of the "I deserve it  mentality of America."  I try to explain our belief differences with-out sending a negative message.  Some people spend money on lots of new fun gadgets?  Our money is not our own.  We need to be responsible with our spending and giving to our children.  How much is too much??????The sad truth is that "we" Americans think that more is always better, but is it really?  So many children are so terribly spoiled with no responsibility to help  out the family and get what ever their hearts desires, and NOW.  We wonder why they grow up not wanting to help and love the things of God's heart.  We taught them to love things not truths and what God loves.  Our children are learning that giving has to hurt to make a difference.  Do we really need the best cell phone?  One of my personal cut backs was to get rid of my cell phone.  How freeing and no more expense.  This small sacrifices don't even hurt.  Mom, "Why do we give so much to the church?"  God only asks for 10% of our money.  With an eternity in heaven is 10% that much????Really?????Why does doing what is right always seem harder than going with the flow of the world.  We are entrusted raising God's treasures and we must lead by example.  We must be good stewards with little in order to have much entrusted to us.


Amanda said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. You have beautiful children. We are looking forward to having Varsha home, but have a long road ahead.

chaniemom said...

If it makes you feel any better, Penny does not have a cell phone, either. If she asks I just smile and say, "Someday when you have a job, if you really want one, you'll be able to get one." She is definitely learning more about delayed gratification. It's not an easy skill for anyone to learn. And she came out of the orphanage with this fantasy image that her parents would give her anything she ever wanted and right NOW! She has now gotten over the shock of the shattered fantasy world and has become quite responsible and understanding. In fact, she doesn't ask as much for things and now that she understands about the price of things she'll try to help me find bargains when we are shopping. She came from having no family so now she really does value family and Jesus more than things. I'm kind of thankful that we don't have t.v. That seems to be one of the sources of info where kids get the idea that they ought to have everything. Don't worry, your kids will eventually come to understand why you have a different set of priorities than the world. Keep being faithful!