Monday, September 20, 2010

Lord, how could I doubt your will???????

Job 5:16
So the poor  have hope and injustice shuts its mouth.
The beauty of all ages

Close to the India Gate
Does Denver really have traffic?
Our Sneha two years ago.

Common sights of hard working people.

Snacks anyone???

Sacred to some.
How is it that our sin side has a wresting match with God's perfect will for our lives?  God gives us the answers, but we still ask for more confirmation.  A group is going to India in the spring and I have wanted to go.  I know that money is the easy part for our God, but somehow I doubt that it can be accomplished.  Yesterday in church I prayed,"Lord please give me a clear answer about the trip to India.  I want this to be your will and not my own, clear the cobwebs out of the corners of my heart to hear your words.  I want to do what is right and what you plan for my life.  I don't want to be selfish.  Please give me an answer that I can recognize because I am slow to catch on.  Amen."   Not even 24 hours later an answer by email from India was in the inbox.  Holly, "Would you consider coming to India to help us out and meet?"God called  all the way to India to give me answer.  God's heart is for the orphan and the lost.  He will move heaven and earth to bless them.  I know that he will provide the money for my trip and I shouldn't worry about that small detail.  God wants our hearts and will and he will provide the way.  Count me in and I am so excited.

1 Samuel 12:24
But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all you heart, consider what great things he has done for you.

1 comment:

chaniemom said...

I love the new look to your blog. And how exciting that you may be traveling to India again to serve the Lord. I'm sure you can see him in the many destitute faces in the crowd, there. Praying for God to pour out his blessing in your life.