Luke 11:9-13
And so I tell you, keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking , and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
The last few months of 2010 have been full of challenges as well as blessings. I am just so thankful that Sneha is home with us. As many of you know of Feb 14 Sneha had her first seizure in our presence. This came to a shock to us, but not beyond our limits. Elijah adopted from China has complex partial seizure disorder diagnosed after his cranioplasty in May of 2008. God was making plans for our family through what seemed like a hard ship to us. I have to be honest on the waiting child check list I probably would not have checked the seizure disorder/epilepsy box. I could have missed God's blessings by letting my fears control me. Luckily Our Father is in control and not us. Easter was eventful at church when Sneha went limp from a seizure. In between these seizure events Sneha fell out of bed and broke her uppers right arm. It is hard to say exactly what happened and if a seizure caused her to fall out of bed. What I do know is that I am thankful that her doctor Dr. Ahuja (from India, and living in small town Colorado) had referred her to a neurologist when she first came home. Long story short both the littles (as I call them) are on Keppra to prevent seizures, a very manageable disablity in the USA. In addition to Sneha's seizures and broken arm she has had two ear surgeries over the past few months to repair perforated ear drums. My heart breaks to think that she had so many ear infections for 8 years that her ear drums just ruptured from the pressure. I have to rate the pain of ear infections way up on the pain scale. I have had many in my life. Her right ear is now repaired and her hearing is getting better all the time. A whole new world to one that couldn't her nearly her entire life. They wondered why she did respond when spoken to, well duh she couldn't hear the question. The left ear is healing as well, by unfortunately still has a small hole that might require a second surgery. The surgeon is giving the left ear drum 6 weeks to repair itself before we make any decisions.
Our story contines as a family of six. We are at the cross road and trying to make a decision of which path to follow. As many of you know medical bills are very expensive and I have started to work full time to pursue our dream of becoming debt free. I am working at 5am, and wow that is early. It is good to be back to working with the elderly, I miss spending time with that age group. Brent has had to pick up a lot of extra work at home in order for me to work. I could not ask for a better spouse in all this world. Working so early gives me all the time with the children after school. Our children, the future for the orphan.
In our dreams we still want to adopt from Ghana. With 2 lay offs in 12 months for Brent, a move to a new town, new life, and a new daughter in the last year our heart still longs to do more. I just know that the time is now, we cannot wait until all the pieces fall into place. We must act in faith. Do we move to pursue saving the orphan or do we stay where we are realatively comfortable and settled? We need clarity for these decisons because they involve all 6 of our family. Adults can move and adapt with the futre in sight. We want the best for our children with the least trauma possible, yet they need to see the responsiblity the Father places on those who know the truth. This truth must become part of us from the beginning, if we wait until they are grown it could very well be too late. Sneha has changed our children and their view of the orphan. They love her for who she is and not what she can do. I can't forget about the orphan, what about their comfort? The orphan in Ghana goes from family to family begging for shelter and food. I have to admit my discomfort never does compare to their losses and sadness.I just can't become consumed with myself, and I have to admit it is a constant battle to see others first.
Luke 17:6
He replied, "If you have faith as small as mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea', and it will obey you."
How we humans have so little faith. Oh Dear Lord, "Give us a measure of faith and wisdom." Amen
praying for your family. Thank you for sharing your request.
Praying for you all!
Praying for you... clarity... it seems so out of reach. And then finally God brings you to that point of clarity that allows you to take that leap of faith!
When I first started my blog... clarity was the issue in alot of my posts. And I was inspired to write a lot... I would go back and read and think "where did THIS come from?". Now I know... it came from God. :)
Praying for your Little Angels...and clarity.
continued pray for your family. I will keep checking to see how or what I can pray about for you all.
I am still praying for your family.
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