Monday, October 4, 2010

We are thankful for America and our freedom

Psalm74:16-17  Both day and night belong to you; you  made the starlight and the sun.  You set the boundaries of the earth, and you made both summer and winter.                                                               

My kids are growing up and I especially see it with Graedy.  My prayer  for my children is that they learn to love others more than themselves.  I hope they grow up and dive into life full of purpose.  Life is more than chasing the material dreams.  We are commanded to care for the orphan and the poor.  I already have them thinking of where they want to go for a mission trip as teenagers.  I wish my eyes would have been opened at a young age.  I would have made different and better choices.  I hope they see that sacrifice is not a bad word, it is important to make a difference.  We should not be so concerned with their comfort, but the state of their hearts.  Do they care about what happens to  others in the world around them?     Does giving our children every desire of their heart really benefit or harm them.  I would have to argue that we are to teach patience and perseverance before fulfilling every desire and whim.  This is definitely not the easy road, but hopefully the road to life long contentment and satisfaction.                                                  

This is rural football

 Graedy is #65
 The cow in the background
 American the beautiful

 My Graedy
Such a kind hearted soul

Matthew 19:14 (New International Version)

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

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